Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Practical Life works- Shell tonging

Shell tonging - Writing and Cutting Preparations

1. Tray
2. Two Containers
3. Tongs
4. Materials to Transfer (shells,eggs ,balls ,nuts)

Work Surface: Table


· Invite child/group.
· Select work from the shelf and place it on the table.
· Pick up the tongs and examine tension and hand position by opening and closing.
· Open the tongs and pick up the shells.
being transferred from the left container and lower the tongs into the right container. (As a child would move his/her head while reading a row of words on a page.)
· Then release the objects into the right container.
· Continue until all the shells are transferred.
· Reverse the procedure and transfer from the right to left. (As a child would move his/her head when he/she would move his/her head while moving to a row lower than he/she was on.)
· Admire the work and place it neatly on the shelf. Invite child/group.

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