Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Montessori Outdoor Play

Let us always remember that inner discipline is something to come and not something always present. - Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind

Outdoor playtime in your Montessori preschool does not have to be completely unstructured. In fact, studies have shown that unstructured or lightly-supervised playtime can actually lead to aggressive play and behavior problems. Playing organized games and activities teaches cooperation, sharing, following the rules, helpfulness, social skills, and control of emotions. Additionally, organized play makes sure that all students are actively participating in some physical activity.

Here are some suggestions for activities during your Montessori outdoor play time:

1. Outdoor Car Wash

Materials: Car, Wash kit,water

Description: Set up an area outside where the children can wash the playground “cars”.

Children can have three stations: soap and sponges; clean water and sponges; and drying cloths.

2. Outside Basketball hoops

Materials: Basketball hoop,basketball

Description: Set up an area outside where the children can play basketball

3. Outside Water Table

Materials: Water Table,squirt bottles

Description: Set up a water table so that children can play water squirt

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