Practical Life Areas
Dressing oneself
Knowing parts of the body
Putting on jacket and zipping it
Hanging jacket on low hook
Putting clean clothes in drawer
Washing hands & drying hands with paper towel & throwing towel away in the trash
Blowing nose and throwing away tissue properly
Table manners
Setting the dinner table
Cleaning up spills with a sponge
Polishing shoes
Fastening clothes on a line with clothes pins or pegs
Using scissors with skill
Washing linen or dolls clothes on a wash board (you can buy these at a hardware store)
Learning home address and phone number
Pouring beans, rice, sugar, etc. without spilling
Pouring liquids without spilling
Sitting on the line
Sitting next to the line
Walking on the line
Carrying objects without dropping them
Carrying liquids without spilling
Walking without knocking into furniture or people
Dancing without knocking into furniture or people
Putting materials, books, and toys away on the shelves
Working carefully and neatly
Dusting and polishing exercises
Sweeping with small broom and dust pan
Flower arranging
Caring for plants
Caring for animals
Folding napkins, towels and own clothing
Simple use of needle and thread
Use of tweezers, tongs, eyedroppers, and locks
Small hammer and nails to make wood projects out of scrap lumber
Weaving and bead stringing
Sorting Beads
Modeling with clay
Cutting and pasting
Simple cooking and food preparation and baking with mom or dad
Here are some favorite kitchen activities:
Using an old fashioned egg beater or whisk
Sifting flourScooping flour, sugar, salt, etc. with large and small scooperswashing vegetables and fruit, peeling with a vegetable peeler
Spreading (like peanut butter on a cracker)
Stirring mixture
Basting with a large turkey baster
Using a ladleOpening and closing lids
Screwing and unscrewing lids on jars
Dishwashing and washing table with a sponge
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